Alfred's essentials of music theory. Double bingo
Sound advice : the ultimate guide to a healthy and successful career in music
Melody bingo
Composer BINGO
New Orleans jazz and second line drumming
Das Chorwerk [v.1-v.30]
Das Chorwerk [v.31-v.60]
Das Chorwerk [v.61-v.91]
Das Chorwerk [v.92-103]
Passio Domini nostri Jesu Christi Secundum Johannem.
Thirty chansons for three and four voices from Attaingnant's collections.
Te Deum in C
The Wickhambrook lite manuscript
Missae caput : Thre Caput Masses
Thirty-five conductus, for two and three voices.
Four chamber duets
Das Lied des Lammes
Der Tod Jesu
Missa Santi Wenceslai, martyris
Concerto in b-flat for cembalo and strings