28 Italian songs and arias of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
The touring musician's handbook
Tarzan the Broadway musical : original Broadway cast recording
Ian Fleming's Chitty Chitty Bang Bang the most fantasmagorical stage musical in the history of everything! : original London cast recording
The trance experience
Umalali the Garifuna Women's Project.
Starring someone like you
Introducing Shankar Mahadevan the voice of India today.
Muppets the green album.
The golden hour
Seven lives many faces
The singer's musical theatre anthology. Tenor. Volume 5 : a collection of songs from the musical stage, categorized by voice type : the selections are presented in their authentic settings, excerpted from the original vocal scores
Producing and mixing hip-hop/R&B
Understanding and using English grammar.
Kids' musical theatre collection.
The ultimate live sound operator's handbook
Instrument & vocal recording