28 Italian songs and arias of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
La donna è mobile : 9 Italian operatic arias arranged for string quartet
Arie per basso = Arias for bass
Decoding Wagner : an invitation to his world of music drama
Evenings at the opera : an exploration of the basic repertoire
Dream with me
The Othello syndrome
The monkey king the world of Peking opera.
La clemenza di Tito
The old maid and the thief
Mozart in Bearbeitungen seiner Zeit Mozart arrangend [sic] by his contemporaries.
Welcome to the voice
The young person's guide to the orchestra, op. 34 Four sea interludes from Peter Grimes, op. 33a
Dvořák in Prague a celebration.
A midsummer night's dream Le songe d'une nuit d'été : opéra en trois actes = Ein Sommernachtstraum : Oper in drei Akten
The nitrate hymnal