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Showing 121 - 140 results of 230 for search '', query time: 0.01s
Department Course Course Number Instructor Section Items
Liberal arts Literature - Liberating Aesthetics LENG-223 Wayne Wild Liberating Aesthetics 1
Liberal arts Literature - Music and Meaning: Bowie LENG-223 Gretchen Shae Music and Meaning: Bowie 1
Liberal arts Literature - Psychoanalysis and Literature LENG-223 Janet Chwalibog Psychoanalysis and Literature 10
Liberal arts Literature - Queer on Stage LENG-223 Scott Edmiston Queer on Stage 4
Liberal arts Literature - Reading the Lost Generation LENG-223 Victoria Large Reading the Lost Generation 3
Liberal arts Literature - Social Justice Literature LENG-223 Beth Platow Social Justice Literature 4
Liberal arts Literature - Writing As Resistance LENG-223 Ellen Francese Writing As Resistance 1
Songwriting Lyric Writing 1 SW-221 Erin Chase 3
Songwriting Lyric Writing 1 SW-221 Jimmy Kachulis 1
Songwriting Lyric Writing 1 SW-221 Scarlet Keys 1
Songwriting Lyric Writing 2 SW-222 Pat Pattison 2
Liberal arts Modern Drama and Film LENG-321 Joseph Coroniti 79
Pro Music Movement for Musicians PMH-250 Cristi Catt 2
Contemporary Writing and Production Music Application and Theory PW-111 3
Contemporary Writing and Production Music Application and Theory PW-111 Daniel Flors 3
Music Business Music Business Finance MB-553 Alexandre Perrin 1
Music Education Music Classroom Methods and Materials ME-212 Elizabeth Allison 4
Dance Music Foundations D-LT 1703 Neil Parsons 1
Music Music History Review 1 M-LT 8101 Joel Schwindt 6
Contemporary Performance Music Performance and Social Activism 1 PS-533 Patricia Perez 7